Thursday, 5 January 2012

Inceput de 2012...La multi ani!!!

 Inspirata de am crosetat domnisoarei mele aceasta palariuta....adorabila.

 Vestuta este foarte apreciata de "mandra mea".Modelul e migalos dar si simplu de realizat.
Ploua si iar ploua,mai ne "zboara" si vantul,zapada nu avem....pare primavara si mandra poarta setul cu drag.


  1. How adorable! I just love your crochet work, they are all gorgeous and you had a wonderful model!!!
    Thank you for following my blog, hope the rest of your weekend is fantastic!
    Best wishes, LS

  2. Hello LS! <3
    Thank you for patern!!!WELCOME IN MY BLOG!
    Yes, she is my wonderful girl model,but I have another 2 boys:D
    Best wishes
